We are pleased to announce the launch of our latest Suffolk Heritage Champion Awards aimed at recognising the work of local people and communities who are dedicated to looking after Suffolk’s historic places and buildings.

The vast majority of good conservation work in Suffolk is carried out by local people, mostly on a voluntary basis, and often unrecognised.

Who do you know that deserves our thanks?

Our awards will recognise, promote and congratulate them.

How to nominate your Heritage Champion

The Awards are split into 2 categories:

  • Award for an individual’s contribution to a heritage building or site
  • Award for a community campaign to protect a heritage building or the historic environment

You will need to get your nominations in by 31 January 2024, and the winners will be announced in the Spring. All winners will be invited to an award ceremony at Heveningham Hall in July.

We’ll be accepting self-nominations, as well as nominations by third parties.

All that’s required is a maximum of 200 words on why the person or group deserves an award, together with a couple of photos – one of the person or people being nominated and one of the project if applicable.

Send your entry into us via email sps@suffolksociety.org.

Take a look at the winners of the 2021/22 awards here

Previous winners demonstrated a wide range of achievements, including:  

  • leading amenity societies committed to protecting local heritage;
  • leading fundraising and restoration schemes;
  • making longstanding commitments to maintaining some of Suffolk’s landmarks.

Whether their contribution is small or large, we want your nominations of people who you think are worthy of recognition.

We look forward to receiving your nominations!