The Suffolk Preservation Society (SPS) is the only countywide amenity society dedicated to protecting and promoting the special historic and landscape qualities of Suffolk. SPS also represents CPRE, The Countryside Charity in Suffolk.
Working through the planning system, we aim to influence planning outcomes for the benefit of the special qualities of our county – its landscape, historic buildings, towns and villages. We call for new development to be sustainably located and well designed. We challenge applications for inappropriate development from new housing to large energy projects, and feed our views into consultations on national and local planning policy.
SPS supports individuals, community groups, parish councils and amenity societies on heritage and landscape issues. We aim to empower communities to have a greater say in the future of their area through our planning related training events and by supporting Neighbourhood Planning.
We are a self-funding charity (charity number 1154806) supported by donations and by our Members. Our Membership is made up of parish and town Councils and amenity societies from across the county, as well as individuals who share our passion for protecting the past and positively shaping a sustainable future for Suffolk. Please join us.
We also enjoy the support of a number of generous Supporters
If you’d like to find out more about becoming a Supporter please get in touch with the Director at