Little Hall, Lavenham
14 June 2024 at 6pm for 6.30pm start
1. Welcome;
2. Apologies for absence;
3. President’s address;
4. Chairman’s address;
5. Approve draft minutes of the 2023 AGM;
6. Trustees’ Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2023;
7. Thanks and appreciation to those Trustees who are resigning: Rachel Bunn, Nicholas Pearson;
8. To re-elect those Trustees who are retiring by rotation in accordance with the CIO Constitution: Thomas Seymour, Simon Sturgis;
9. To elect Trustees who have been co-opted during the year by the CIO Trustees in accordance with the Constitution: William Dunn;
10. Resolution (requiring 75% majority) to amend the constitution by:
- Adding to Clause 13 “, unless elected,” between “retire” and “at”;
- Adding to Clause 15 after (f): “; or (g) Retires by rotation or otherwise in accordance with clause 13” ; and deleting “or” after 15(e);
- Adding to Clause 16 “or under clause 13(f)” between “rotation” and “or”;
Resolution (by simple majority) to ratify all past appointments of trustees under Clause 13(f) and subsequent election or re-election by members in general meeting.
11. To re-appoint a registered auditor to the CIO, to hold office until the conclusion of the next general meeting when accounts are laid before the meeting;
12. Director’s report;
13. Members’ questions to the Director and Trustees.
Proxy Voting
Members who are unable to attend but wish to vote by proxy can complete a proxy form. This should be printed, completed and posted to the SPS office to be received at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.