Multiple energy projects proposed over the next decade have the potential to have major impacts on both our communities and swathes of countryside across Suffolk.
We recognise the climate change emergency and urgent need for renewable energy generation. And we recognise that Suffolk will play a major strategic role in the delivery of Net Zero.
But the rapidly developing offshore wind industry, new generation of nuclear power at Sizewell, and being a desired location for solar as one of the UK’s sunniest areas, as well as upgrades to National Grid infrastructure, raise major challenges for Suffolk’s landscapes and communities.
Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) and Suffolk County Council have produced Getting to Grips with NSIPs – a useful document explaining the NSIP process.
Sensitive siting and effective mitigation of impacts, together with offset environmental enhancements, are key.
What the Suffolk Preservation Society can do
SPS supports the major groups campaigning for the best outcomes for the communities affected by major energy proposals.
However our resources are limited and the number of threats is unprecedented.
We are always happy to talk to and work with community groups. We can provide advice on the NSIP process and signpost to consultants to help with the preparation of specialist evidence. SPS has experience of the DCO process and will provide support and advice to communities as far as our resources allow.
We work closely with our sister charity CPRE and together have campaigned for a co-ordinated approach to deliver forthcoming energy projects. We have strongly argued that an offshore ring main is required to transmit energy generated off shore.
We work hard to make the case for rigorous assessment of impacts of new energy projects, appropriate mitigation and potential alternatives.