In the Eastern region wind energy is predicted to increase from 4.4GW in 2020 to 27.5GW by 2050. We support offshore wind generation but have serious concerns over the impacts of windfarms and associated onshore infrastructure on the landscape and heritage of Suffolk including the Suffolk Coast and Heaths National Landscape.

Following the completion of the EA1(N) and EA2 windfarm Examinations in July 2021, we wrote to the Examiner urging for a split decision to allow the windfarm development to go ahead while less damaging solutions for the onshore infrastructure than the proposed substations at Friston could be explored.

SPS has campaigned for an offshore ringmain to take power from all the offshore wind farms around the East Anglian coast in a strategic way rather than continuing the adhoc carving up of the countryside. Integrated connections need to be happening soon, considering each project in isolation is not working.

National Grid is also proposing interconnectors to facilitate transmission of energy to and from Belgium and the Netherlands. The connections points and converter stations for these are proposed to be located in the Friston area

East Anglia 1(N) and East Anglia 2

We were very disappointed that these were granted approval by the Secretary of State on 31 March 2022. While acknowledging that the Applicant had widely underestimated the harmful environmental impacts, the Examining Authority (ExA), and confirmed by the Secretary of State, agreed that the proposals gave rise to a medium level of harm to the landscape and historic environment, they gave greater weight in the planning balance to the need for renewable energy. Details of the decisions can be found here

The Secretary of State acknowledges and adopts the substantial weight the ExA gives to the contribution to meeting the need for electricity generation demonstrated by NPS EN-1 and its significant contribution towards satisfying the need for offshore wind [ER 28.4.4]. He further notes that the ExA has identified that the Proposed Development would be consistent with the Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) Order 2019 which amended the Climate Change Act 2008 to set a legally binding target of 100% below the 1990 baseline.

The onshore infrastructure to support EA1(N) and EA2 will consist of three enormous substations in the countryside beside the village of Friston. In addition, 7 kms of cables will be installed underground causing significant disruption to the countryside including parts of the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB. 

SPS involvement:

SPS sat on the Expert Topic Group for heritage. We consistently made strong representations at each stage of the projects prior to the DCO submission and continued to support the local campaign groups which ran such a compelling and powerful campaign.