Dovecote conversion – application withdrawn

SPS had objected to plans to convert a 17th century dovecote on the Thurlow Estate into a 3 bed dwelling. We were concerned by the loss of historic fabric, scale of the proposed extension and impact upon the setting of the conservation area. The dovecote is a rare example of this building type in Suffolk and is identified as being a late 17th century structure.  It is one of only seven surviving timber-framed dovecotes in the county so we are pleased that the application has been withdrawn. We hope that any amended scheme will be much more sympathetic to this important historic building.

Toby Cottage, Walberswick – alterations approved

SPS had commented on the proposed alterations to this good example of Frank Jennings work, a local architect who designed a number of buildings in Walberswick in the Arts and Crafts style. Jennings’ work makes an important contribution to the historic environment of the village and Toby Cottage is considered a Non-Designated Heritage Asset. SPS joined the Parish Council in seeking amendments to the proposals to maintain the character of Jennings’ design and its positive impact on the Conservation Area. We were therefore disappointed that the application was approved without any changes.

Casework this month

SPS has sent an objection to a new residential scheme on the edge of Hartest raising our serious concerns regarding the impact of developing the site on the landscape, the adjacent Hartest Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings.

SPS was also consulted on amendments to applications that we have previously commented on:  at Thurston; and at Eye.

Energy transmission projects

The Examination into the Bramford to Twinstead 400kV pylon line is underway.  SPS submitted a written representation which highlighted the potential impact of the additional pylon line on Hintlesham Hall, calling for reinstatement of an historic avenue of trees to mitigate the visual impact whilst offsetting the heritage harm. 

We have also responded to a number of follow-up written questions from the Examiners, calling for the placement of the pylons and overhead wires close to Hintlesham Hall to be detailed within the application and for National Grid to provide visualisations of the worst-case scenario.

A second consultation into the LionLink interconnector project, which will connect energy generated offshore to both the UK and the Netherlands via subsea cables, completes in early November. This includes an additional proposed landfall site at Walberswick and a cable route running from Southwold to Friston. SPS has submitted a response which can be read here. 

Meanwhile a consultation into the Sea Link project – a proposed 2 gigawatt, predominantly offshore cable link between Suffolk and Kent, began at the end of October and runs to 18 December.

Details of the LionLink and Sea Link projects can be found here.

SPS in the media

SPS training event – 22nd November

Our Autumn training event, in partnership with Historic England and Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, has just a few places still available.

Book now to avoid disappointment.