SPS Position
SPS supports the transition towards a zero-carbon energy system and recognises that this requires an increase in renewable energy generation, including solar.
We support renewable energy schemes which balance the necessary considerations of our natural environment, heritage, landscape and the views of local people and allow local communities to positively shape their energy futures.
- The re-use of brownfield sites for large scale commercial solar farm should always be the preferred option
- All new development, except in sensitive settings, should be encouraged to include solar panels on roof tops, both residential, industrial and commercial
- ‘Best and most versatile’ agricultural land (Grades 1, 2 and 3a) should be avoided
- Applications should be supported by a Landscape and Visual Impact assessment in accordance with the guidelines set out by the Landscape Institute. An assessment of any cumulative impact with other existing and planned solar installations must be included.
- Applications that result in the significant change in character of footpaths or other public rights of way should be resisted and amendments sought to revise the layout and/or appropriate landscape mitigation sought to ameliorate impact upon receptors including walkers, riders, cyclists and motorists
- A full land management plan should accompany all applications providing detailed information on the way in which the land will be maintained (grass cutting regimes; any use of pesticides/insecticides; animal grazing proposals; etc) and related conditions should be applied to any permissions granted
- A decommissioning plan which identifies all of the key elements required to return the land to a natural state should be prepared and form a part of any planning application. This should provide details (related to best current practice) of the work required, the opportunities for recycling and an estimate of current cost