Nuclear PowerSizewell C

A 3.2 GW twin nuclear reactor power station on the Suffolk Coast at Sizewell. Development Consent Order approved summer 2022.
More information: Sizewell C Project

Offshore Wind Farms

Scottish Power Renewables – East Anglia Three

Development of an offshore windfarm with an approximate capacity of 1400MW off the coast of East Anglia, within the area known as Zone 5, under the Round 3 Offshore Wind Licensing Arrangements. The Secretary of State approved the application for consent on 7th August 2017. In June 2019 BEIS approved a non-material change to increase the overall capacity of the windfarm from 1200MW to 1400MW. 

More information: East Anglia Three Offshore Wind Farm 

Scottish Power Renewables – East Anglia One North 

An offshore wind farm which could consist of up to 67 turbines, generators and associated infrastructure, with an installed capacity of up to 800MW, located 36km from Lowestoft and 42km from Southwold. From landfall the cables will be routed underground to an onshore substation, which will in turn connect into the national electricity grid via a National Grid substation and cable sealing end compounds at Friston, the latter to be owned and operated by National Grid. Consent granted March 2022.

More information: East Anglia One North Offshore Wind Farm

Scottish Power Renewables – East Anglia Two

An offshore wind farm which could consist of up to 75 turbines, generators and associated infrastructure, with an installed capacity of up to 900MW, located 37km from Lowestoft and 32km from Southwold. From landfall, the cables will be routed underground to an onshore substation which will in turn connect into the national electricity grid via a National Grid substation and cable sealing end compounds at Friston, the latter to be owned and operated by National Grid. Consent granted March 2022.

More information: East Anglia Two Offshore Wind Farm

RWE – Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm

Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm is the sister project of the existing 353MW Galloper Wind Farm, 30km off the coast of Suffolk. The proposals is at the early stages of development.

More information: Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm

Scottish and Southern Electricity/RWE – North Falls Offshore Wind Farm

An offshore electricity generating station approximately 24.5km from its nearest point at the Port of Lowestoft. It is estimated to have an installed capacity in excess of 100MW and will principally comprise offshore wind turbines together with associated infrastructure (onshore and offshore) including a connection to the electricity transmission network.

More information: North Falls Offshore Wind Farm

Solar Farm Nationally significant infrastructure project (NSIP)

Sunnica Ltd – Sunnica Energy Farm

A scheme for the delivery of over 50 megawatts of renewable energy over a greenfield site of 2800 acres either side of the Suffolk/ Cambridgeshire border. DCO consented in July 2024.

More information: Sunnica Energy Farm

Commercial solar farms (under NSIP threshold of 50MW)

Numerous applications for commercial scale solar farms which fall just below the current threshold of an NSIP and therefore are considered through the usual planning application process with local authorities as the the decision making body. The following applications are just a few impacting Suffolk:

Tye Lane, Bramford Visit EDF Renewable’s Tye Lane webpage

ENSO Solar Farm, Bramford Visit ENSO’s Bramford webpage

Statkraft Solar Farm, Bramford Visit Statkraft’s website

PACE Solar Farm, Palgrave Visit PACE’s website

Offshore Electricity Multiple-Purpose Interconnectors

National Grid Ventures – Nautilus Interconnector

Nautilus Interconnector is a proposed second Interconnector between Great Britain and Belgium. In the UK, the offer from National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) allows for a connection at a new 400kV substation located close to the Sizewell 400kV network, provisionally referred to as ‘Leiston 400kV’. The current NGET substation location being promoted is less than ten kilometres from the coast. There is currently a public consultation regarding this proposal and the application is expected to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in 2023.

More information: Nautilus Interconnector

National Grid Ventures Limited – Eurolink

EuroLink is a proposal to build a High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission cable between the UK and the Netherlands.  The capacity of the link will be 1400MW and a non-statutory consultation is taking place Autumn 2022. EuroLink is a Project of Common Interest as set under ENTSO-E Central European Funding initiative.

More information: National Grid Interconnectors

Offshore Electricity Grid Link

National Grid Electricity Transmission – SEALINK

Proposed new Offshore HVDC link between Suffolk and Kent Option 1

More information: National Grid ESO Offshore Coordination Project

Electricity Grid Links

National Grid Electricity Transmission – Bramford to Twinstead (BTNO)

Construction of a new 400kV double circuit network reinforcement of c.27km, including new lattice towers, an element of undergrounding, and associated development. Received DCO consent in Sept 2024..

More information: Bramford to Twinstead (BTNO)

National Grid Electricity Transmission – Bramford to Tilbury (ATNC)

A new 400kV double circuit in south East Anglia. The southern stretch of East Anglia GREEN.

More information: Bramford to Tilbury (ATNC)

National Grid Electricity Transmission – Norwich to Bramford (AENC)

A new 400kV double circuit in south East Anglia. The northern stretch of East Anglia GREEN.

More information: Norwich to Bramford (AENC)

Water infrastructure

Anglian Water strategic pipeline

A new water pipeline between Bury St Edmunds and Colchester. The project which will require 70km of new pipeline is in its early stages.  

More information: Visit Anglian Water’s strategic pipeline webpage