SPS was very disappointed by the Government decision to approved the DCO application for Sizewell C on 20 July 2022.
We extend our sincere regret to all those affected by this decision and offer our continuing support to both the communities that will be severely impacted, throughout both the build and operational phases, and to the local campaign groups who continue to run such compelling and powerful campaigns
The two proposed additional nuclear reactors at Sizewell C will impact beautiful Suffolk countryside, coast, towns and villages.
SPS continues to support local campaign groups, amenity societies and the AONB Partnership, of which it forms a part.
SPS position in relation to Sizewell as the location for a new nuclear reactor
In our consultation responses we focused on the environmental impacts of the proposals of Sizewell C and how they are assessed and appropriately mitigated.
In summary, SPS:
- objects to the Sizewell C development as currently proposed due to the harm that this will cause to the special qualities of the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Beauty (AONB);
- objects to the scale and location of the accommodation campus at Eastbridge;
- objects to the lack of information on the landscape and heritage impacts of the two villages bypass, the Yoxford junction alterations, the Sizewell link road and the Southern park and ride;
- objects to the permanent development outside the main site at Goose Hill, the generic design of the plant, the inclusion of chimney stacks and additional pylons within the AONB and the lack of visualisations of these elements;
- calls for an environmental fund in addition to the housing and tourism funds proposed
- objects to the lack of analysis of the cumulative landscape and heritage impacts of Sizewell C with the Scottish Power Renewables EA1(N) and EA2 windfarms and National Grid infrastructure
Our responses and letters to the Sizewell C consultation:
November 2021 – letter to the local MPs
October 2021 – letter to the Planning Inspectorate
8 December 2020 – post DCO stage 5 consultation
17 September 2019 – stage 4 consultation
18 March 2019 – stage 3 consultation
24 January 2017 – stage 2 consultation