Chancellor goes back on Labour’s promise to retrofit older buildings
The benefit cost ratio of retrofitting these energy inefficient properties is frequently greater than other more elaborate green initiatives.
Read ArticlePreserving Lowestoft’s fishing heritage proves what can be done
SPS Director argues that we must not lose sight of the value of our heritage buildings in the government’s...
Read ArticleSuffolk deserves better and must not become a Waste Land
SPS Director calls for Suffolk’s communities’ voices to be heard among the new government’s drive to speed up the...
Read ArticleVolunteering can boost health and even lower cholesterol
Following this month’s National Volunteer Week, SPS Director covers the vital role that volunteers play in helping charities and...
Read ArticleGreening the Great Grid Upgrade
Our report – released last week – is endorsed by local campaigners looking to reduce onshore energy infrastructure in...
Read ArticleSuffolk Magazine article: Suffolk Preservation Society’s Heritage Champion Awards
February’s Suffolk magazine contained a great article about the recipients of our first Heritage Champion Awards in 2021/22. What...
Read ArticleSPS sets out its Manifesto asks for the next Government
Securing Suffolk’s heritage; Recognising the landscapes of power; a Planning system fit for the future A more agile planning...
Read ArticleChance to recognise our heritage champions – but time is running out!
A last call for nominations for this year’s SPS Heritage Champions awards. SPS wants to shine a light on...
Read ArticleSupport pubs to ensure their futures as important community assets
In our latest article in the East Anglian Daily Times, SPS Director, Fiona Cairns, celebrates Suffolk’s pubs. These important...
Read ArticleHow to inspire owners to make their homes more energy efficient
In our latest article in the East Anglian Daily Times, SPS Director, Fiona Cairns, focusses on discussions around the...
Read ArticleMore planners, better plans. More builders, better homes.
SPS Director, Fiona Cairns on how the planning system can be unblocked without ignoring the views of communities.
Read ArticleSPS calls for long term, joined up approach to flood risk
Our county’s response to the growing frequency of extreme weather events such as the recent flooding incidents, must be...
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