In this latest bulletin we focus on the heritage work SPS has been involved in during August and September – a fascinating range of heritage challenges and victories.
St Bartholomews, Sudbury
An application for enabling development of up to 9 dwellings at St Bartholomew’s Priory has been submitted. Enabling development would normally not be consented but will enable essential works to heritage assets to be carried out. The farmhouse and the chapel are listed grade II and II* respectively, and are on the national Buildings at Risk List. The condition of the buildings has declined significantly over the last twenty years and we are supportive, in principle, of positive action to safeguard these heritage assets.
However, the application does not make a convincing case to justify enabling development. The proposals fail to secure a firm solution to the problem of the derelict farmhouse, while potentially depressing the value and attractiveness to buyers by developing new houses in its curtilage. The development, in isolation, will not deliver a solution to the lack of occupancy and maintenance and may harm the likelihood of this occurring.
In responding to the application consultation we therefore highlighted that the application fails to make a convincing case that the enabling development would safeguard the future of the historic buildings and secure their repair and sustainable re-use.
Boxted bridge
SPS has responded to another round of consultation into Essex County Council’s plans to replace the much-loved iron bridge across the Stour at Boxted. The bridge has been closed to all traffic for many months now and the community continues to call for conservative repairs to the existing bridge.
The replacement bridge is to be wider and straighter and will involve the widening of the carriageway on both the Essex and Suffolk side of the bridge. SPS has responded to the consultation calling for a much more sensitive proposal which would respect the sensitive, timeless character of this location with the Dedham Vale National landscape and retain the views previously enjoyed from the bridge of the river Stour and the listed Mill and millpond.
Victoria Hall, Sudbury
SPS, along with the other main heritage bodies and Babergh’s own heritage team, had objected to an application in 2020 for the demolition of most of the building, retaining just the façade, to allow housing on the site. We had argued that Victoria Hall and the Conservative Club were of heritage value, contributed to the character of the conservation area, and should be converted.
We therefore welcome a recent revised proposal which will also retain the flank elevations and the main roof, rebuild the back wall and insert two floors within the building. SPS has written to support this improved scheme.
Queensbury Lodge, Newmarket
We were also pleased to write in support of a listed building application for the re-use and restoration of at Queensbury Lodge, cottage and stables, an important group of heritage assets, prominently located within the Newmarket Conservation Area.
SPS has raised concerns about the ongoing deterioration of this group of buildings over many years and we are therefore pleased that a scheme has finally come forward which will safeguard their future. The applications for the conservative repair and reinstatement of the original horse related uses are welcomed.
We are pleased to report the following positive planning outcomes on planning applications which SPS planners have responded to
Hartest – amended plans judged to be harmful to heritage
Consent has already been granted for the demolition of a single storey post war garage and replacement with a dwelling which followed the garage’s footprint and form, in a prominent location on Hartest village green. However, an alternative application for 2, 3 bedroom, two-storey dwellings followed. SPS objected to this proposal as incongruous, overly large and harmful to the character and appearance of the conservation area.
We were very pleased that Babergh planners agreed and refused the application stating it would be visually dominant, jarring and incongruous, harmful to the significance of designated heritage assets including the Hartest Conservation Area.
Eye – redevelopment of former Fire Station site approved
SPS had objected to an initial scheme on this site which included the demolition of two existing buildings which were considered to be non-designated heritage assets. We are pleased to report that the proposals were subsequently amended to retain the ‘retort’ house on the site which was connected with the former gasworks and convert it into 2 apartments. The application also proposed the conversion of and extension of the existing 19th century Managers house.
SPS had argued that the original application did not justify the demolition of the rare surviving retort house as it was not supported by a structural survey and a costed schedule of repair. We called for a review of alternative options for this historic site and a more creative and conservative approach to repair the building to bring it back into use. We are very pleased with this outcome.
Monks Eleigh – meadowland plans refused
An outline application for 3 self-build dwellings in Monks Eleigh has been refused. SPS generally supports small residential developments in sustainable locations within villages, but we objected to this scheme as the site is some way outside the built edge of the village on an area of meadowland which has been incorporated within the Monks Eleigh Conservation Area.
We consider that the extensive meadows either side of the river is a significant element of the character of the village and therefore we welcome this decision.
Walpole Old Chapel
We have received an update on the future ownership of Walpole Old Chapel, progress on the fundraising and interesting articles on some of the graffiti in the Chapel – take a look at their September newsletter here for more details.
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