General election result

The general election saw 7 new MPs for Suffolk with only one of the previous incumbents remaining in post.  The county is now represented by MPs from three different parties and SPS has written to all the incoming MPs setting out our priorities for Suffolk.

The recent King’s Speech announced a new Planning and Infrastructure Bill, which aims to speed up and streamline the planning process, as well as increasing the speed of major development projects in alignment with government industrial, energy and transport strategies. This includes upgrading the national grid and boosting renewable energy.

Sir Keir Starmer has made it clear that significant reforms will be made to the planning system in order to ‘get Britain building’. This will include tackling the housing crisis through the delivery of 1.5 million houses in 5 years. Changes will be made to the National Planning Policy Framework, to reinstate and enforce compulsory local housing targets, as a matter of priority. The consultation exercise on the proposed changes to the NPPF is now underway and SPS will be responding to this before the end of September.

Sunnica decision

Within just a few days of the new government, the new Energy Security and Net Zero Minister, Ed Miliband, approved the 2800 acre Sunnica solar energy park proposals.  SPS recognises the harmful impact that this decision will have on communities, heritage, landscape and nature. SPS had strongly objected to the application on landscape and heritage grounds, highlighting the impacts upon the setting of the historic Limekilns. The Examiner agreed that the proposals would have major adverse effects on the valued landscape of the Limekilns. However, the Secretary of State, while acknowledging that the negative landscape impacts would be incapable of mitigation, only gave moderate negative weight in the planning balance to the landscape and visual impacts of the development. More detail and our reaction to this decision can be read here.

Norwich to Tilbury transmission line

SPS has submitted its response to the statutory consultation. We call for a halt to the current proposals and for alternative methods – including off shore and undergrounding – to be given greater consideration.

In our response we refer to our Greening the Great Grid Upgrade report which is a detailed critique of the strengths and weaknesses of National Grid’s Great Grid Upgrade and how it might be improved to reduce the impacts on the countryside and ensure that impacted communities are properly heard.

We have copied our response to the MPs whose constituencies will be impacted and sent them our Greening the Great Grid Upgrade report.

Sea Link interconnector between Suffolk and Kent

SPS has strongly objected to the latest proposals for permanent infrastructure at the converter station site at Saxmundham. The decision to select the west access and increase the height and span of the access bridge, will result in serious harm to some of Suffolk’s most sensitive natural and historic landscapes and brings into question the suitability of the selected converter station site. Its construction will involve the permanent loss of mature woodland from the riverbank of the Fromus. It will also open up views of the converter station site from key views that have been identified in the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan including long views across Hurst Hall Park (grade II) and south from St John the Baptist church (grade II*).  The DCO application is now scheduled to be submitted for Examination in 2025 – more details on the project here.

Heritage casework this month

Little Wenham

Conversions and alterations to existing agricultural barns to form 6 dwellings and holiday lets and to provide visitor facilities for Wenham Castle.

Following a consultation from Babergh District Council, SPS has visited the site with the agent and written in support of these proposals for a sustainable and viable long-term use for this nationally important group of buildings which now require conservative repair and ongoing maintenance. The intention is that ownership of the buildings will be retained by the family which will provide a continuity of care that will ultimately be a positive for this group of outstanding heritage assets. We also welcome that the scheme will provide an income stream to maintain the fabric of Wenham Castle, one of the oldest houses in England dating from the 13th century, as well as associated services to facilitate improved public access.

Monks Eleigh

Outline application for 3 self-build dwellings.

SPS generally supports small residential developments in sustainable locations within villages, but has objected to this site as it is some way outside the built edge of the village on an area of meadow land which has been incorporated in the Monks Eleigh conservation area boundary.  We consider that extensive tract of meadowland either side of the river in the village remains a significant element of the character of the village and should be protected from further development.

The heritage section on our website has recently undergone an update to better highlight our heritage campaigns and achievements in Suffolk as well as celebrating the achievements of our Heritage Champions – take a look at the new section here.

SPS Heritage Champion Awards

The 2004 SPS Heritage Champions were presented with their award certificates at our summer party at Heveningham Hall on July 18. Following a reception held in the Courtyard, we were entertained by a talk from architectural historian, Jeremy Musson, which covered his memories and experiences of Suffolk both as a child and then curator of the National Trust and regular contributor to Country Life.

Jeremy then presented the awards to our 2024 Suffolk Heritage Champions. SPS President, Geoffrey Probert gave a brief introduction to the work and achievements of each recipient; almost all were able to attend the evening to receive their certificate and the appreciation of the county.

SPS in the media